Peixe-mulher is an audiovisual production company that exists and resists to overcome barriers of culture and art. Formed by women, has the purpose of promoting queer culture and bringing visibility to artists in the whole country.
- Design
- Illustration
- Branding
- Editorial
- Strategy
- Social Media
- Animation
Manifest /
We are encounters. Of waters, fluids, people, songs, cultures, ancestry. Not every fish nor every woman, we transcend our body and spread everywhere. We are a great sea, in a fluid and continuous movement, crossing and crossing barriers, going against other waters. And that’s when we understand our essence and strength, because it’s in the meeting of other waters that we become immense. Mutants, ephemeral and eternal, we learn to submerge and subvert. We exist, we resist and we burn like jellyfish to make ourselves present.
We were born to open paths and tell our own stories, diving and drinking in what is meant by art, feeling in our guts that it is now part of us, and we, who flowed into several rivers, are now part of everything.
Design: Lorena Araújo, Lorena Martins, Lays Gomes